
It may sound crazy, but ever have those moments when you are just so completely done with someone who you just refuse to exhaust any further energy on them?
Okay, maybe it’s not that crazy. Everyone has their limit and tolerance for people who constantly mistreat them in their life. Some people can just be very draining! We sometimes want to ignore these signs in life because we don’t want to lose anyone who we think could be vital in our lives.
But, if they were truly adding to our lives, would we even be feeling like this in the first place? If you are wondering if there are people in your life that fit this criteria, here are five questions to answer.
  1. Are You Finding It Easier and Easier to Go Long Periods of Time Without Talking?
If the answer to this is yes, then this could very well be a sign. It may not sound like a big deal now but truly think about it. When someone is adding positively in your life and show they are caring about your well-being, you want to talk to that person. I call this “dealing with people in increments.” Some people’s bad moods, negativity, or spiteful words can be so intoxicating that you just do not want to talk to this person on the daily!
2. Are They Always Bringing Up Things From the Past?
Especially if the past in question is negative, I would say this is a sign they possibly need to go. If they know it’s negative, why continue to bring it up? It can be impossible to truly move on if you constantly have someone reminding you of your past and not letting you enjoy your now and promising future.
3. Do They Blame You For Their Negative/Mean Behavior?
This is a huge no-no. If the two of you are talking and then start to get upset with you about something trivial or sarcastic and then blame you for their behavior towards you. This person is not adding to your life. Minor disagreements are one thing but getting completely red-faced mad over an act of sarcasm (especially if you are fluent in sarcasm) then it may be something deep-rooted.
4. Does Every Apology Not Sound Genuine or Like An Excuse?
This one is easily detected. If you have that one friend that goes off (many times) and then when they apologize you can just tell that it does not sound genuine or like an excuse they have used before, it may be time to reevaluate that friendship. I hate to sound petty but if a friend is going off for no reason and then the apology sounds like an excuse, 99.9% of the time it probably is an excuse. If you’re truly sorry then it won’t sound or feel the way it does. Never go against your gut on certain things, especially when it comes to your gut vs. people.
5. Do They Talk Bad About You In Front of Family, Other Friends, Significant Others, or Other Important People?
I don’t think I can stress this enough… This is DEFINITELY not okay. Real friends who value you will not bad mouth you in public or even behind your back around snooping ears or in the presence of frenemies or enemies. Imagine it, you wouldn’t want someone who could be the difference between an employer saying “I’ve heard your friends say nice things about you” and “Are you sure you are ready or qualified for this position? Because I heard from so and so.” Believe it or not, employers will look and talk to plenty of people about you before making the definitive decision about hiring you.
These are important things to keep in mind if you ever find yourself second guessing friendships. The best friendships will add to your life, not hinder or bring negativity.
God always does things for a reason and His timing is always perfect. He removes the wrong people in your life in order for you to be able to receive his blessings and have the right people in your life.

Thank You LORD!


Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over!