Excuse Me…I have to take this call

Man…… have any of you been feeling this tug on you lately? Like this pulling, almost a nagging feeling? I don’t know about you, but it just keeps feeling like I am missing something. I keep getting this uncomfortable feeling, like I am just missing out on something and I keep trying to figure out what. The feeling of being uncomfortable has kept me busy, but busy all over the place. Attempting to sort matters out, where to start, and how to finish. Being uncomfortable in this season maybe a way of God telling you its time to answer his call. Yes, answer his call…….hurry up if your not trying to miss your date. Excuse me one second, I have a date with my purpose and it cannot be rescheduled. 
Whose checking for me??????

Whose checking for me??????

Lately, I don’t know about you guys but this season of my life has been going through a major change. I mean changes that I will honestly admit I had given up on. I will be honest. I had thought God had forgotten about me. I thought that his promises were true for others but wouldn’t be true for me. I am just being honest, I was one of those people you guys see in the comments talking about “ God it’s me again”. I was going to God in the comments, but wasn’t answering his call when he reached out. I know “ OUCH “, it’s okay….. you need a hug (gives hug). Now, lets move forward and get into this thing.
How many times has God called you, and you didn’t answer his call? Did he send you a DM and you just read it and kept moving? I am just saying, he will stretch his hand to you its up to you, if you take it. I encourage you to take it, take that leap and go on a date with God and see where he leads you. Be mindful where he may take you can be very uncomfortable, and even a little tempting to make you run in the opposite direction. Shifts and changes in routine even the most subtle can be life changing. The little consistencies really do add up in the long run. 
Now, that you have scheduled a date and it’s on your calendar, how do you prepare? How would you prepare for any date? You get your hair done/ haircut, or plan a nail appointment/ grooming session, a group call with your friends to discuss your outfit for the event ahead. The point is you prepare, you get prepared for your intended purpose on the date. No matter the outcome you still get prepared, because there is an intended purpose for a desired outcome. The same way you prepare for a date with a potential boo, prepare for your date with God the same way.  You may want to start with getting your homework done reading your word, sitting with him in prayer, taking time out to hear him speak to you is crucial prior to your date. On your date, ask questions, he loves when your inquisitive about the plans he has for your life. Don’t be shy or feel shamed, he already loves you in your full capacity good, bad or indifferent.  Answer the call with confidence knowing what’s on the other side is far beyond the dreams you laid out for yourself. 
Will your answer the call, and schedule that date with him?

Will your answer the call, and schedule that date with him?


Dear Papa


To My Old Life….And Maybe Yours Too