Dear Papa

Dear Papa, 
             Oh, how I miss you, so many things have taken place in the last month. I just wish I could sit with you again. I wouldn’t mind one of our good talks that can only end in. “ okay now, good bye, ill talk with you later “.  Sadly later will not come this time around, I know. I hope that you know you were truly loved, appreciated, and admired. You are truly missed and this new normal is one that we are not used to, but steadily pushing through. As you would say  “ death is going to come, your life can’t stop because of it”, more and more the words are settling in. 
You were an excellent Papa, and I hope you knew it. Even though are pictures were few, are memories were plentiful. Do you remember the one spring break, where you were watching me, supposed to be supervising as we should say, but you had to go to the horse track (IYKYK). Your idea of watching me, was leaving me in the car with snacks and coloring books (with the window down), and coming to check on me periodically to make sure I was okay. Do you remember how mad Nanie was when she found out (Laughing Hilariously)? Let’s not forget the time, I turned the wood on the television stand into my art project. Let’s just say you weren’t happy, because yet again you were supposed to be watching me (laughing), and Nanie was pissed! I will miss our attempts at fishing, we never really caught anything except that one time, but the time spent was always funny. I have so many funny memories that I get to keep in my head rent free! I know, I know, you have no clue what that means, and to hear such a term would have you so behooved. As you always taught us, “nothing is FREE!”. Many good memories that I shall never forget!
I know in time heals ALL things if we let it. I know we will miss you dearly. The holidays will be different, and it’ll take a second but we will do what we do best and keep pushing on as we know to. As long God says the same we shall meet again, I hope we can reminisce over those memories once shared.  I love you. We love you. Until a later time, talk with you soon.                                                                                                                                             Love Always,


P.S. As the Chief In Editor, I try to be as transparent as possible in my articles. With so much happening around us an so much taking place. Love on your loved ones. Make amends in your relationships, let know strife be too big (I do understand certain situations are a little bit touchy). Give hugs as often as you can. Share some kisses while you at it, even if it has to be through the phone.  Make the time, it doesn’t take long at all. We love you from Vintage Magazine  

Take A Moment


Excuse Me…I have to take this call