The Issue: Dating In Today’s Generation

Why Is It So Hard?

By now you have heard this statement either from a close friend or a family member that is close to your age and that is, “Why is it so hard to date?” That is the reality for many in our generation today because the value of what a romantic relationship once stood for is a dark reality in our times.

Why is it so hard? Is it due to personal interest? Is it due to lack of commitment? There are so many angles to look at this matter so the range will always be different. I once asked a question on Facebook and the question stated to women was, “What is your preference a gentleman or a thug?” The response that I received was half and half with some that desire the best of both worlds.

Dating has lost its meaning because we have become more of a physical generation that has a lustful eye for sex. That has set the tone for some, mostly women, not to give a man who has good intentions a chance and not even to converse with them because of the norm that all men are only after sex. For this, some have allowed what could be a good man walk away too quick because a lack of trust for the start which is just a basic conversation.We also have to come to the reality that dating has become cheap and lacks quality. Have we left the Wine and Dine movement to a Netflix and Chill night?

Once again, “Why it is so hard to date in today generation?” My question to the ones that have this struggle is: are you the one worth dating? Another of many reasons why dating is hard because some do not try to better themselves to allow someone to date them. Too much of unresolved issues from a prior relationship(s) is one of the most major issues because many want to date, but to close the door from the past is so hard to do and that make it difficult to give the person that has a desire to really know you date you.

Dating today in this time true it is hard, but also, it is a personal issue. Make sure that you make it simple again and then you will not allow the next person to make this statement again, “Why is it so hard to date in this generation?”

By: Chauncy Whaley Canady


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