Sweet Summer Sixteen

Everyone wants to have an eventful summer with the weather being warm (hot) and nice, students are out, and of course, beaches and day parties are in full effect.

“Sweet Summer Sixteen”

By: Kayla Denise Thomas

With the summer season knocking on our doors, it is time to get your plans in order to go hard in the summer season.

Everyone wants to have an eventful summer with the weather being warm (hot) and nice, students are out, and of course, beaches and day parties are in full effect.

So, with it already being May, what are those top things to get done and remember before the summer is officially here? Well here’s a mixture of fitness, beauty, and some other items to get your summer started on the right note.

  1. Hit the Gym

In all honesty, coaches say you should have already started hitting the gym up before this time but hey, it’s never too late to switch up some things and get on track to getting your body the way you want it! As anyone would tell you, it all starts with nutrition, while it’s not easy it’s awfully rewarding.

  1. Sunscreen

Please for the love of summer, wear sunscreen! Sunscreen is so important out here, I do not want any of you out here with any risk for skin cancer. Knowing the level of SPF you need to have in order to keep your skin protected. The key is also reapplying as directed.

  1. Liquids

By liquids I am primarily speaking of water. It is very easy to get caught up in having so much fun that you forget to keep yourself hydrated. It’s no fun passing out in the heat.

  1. Know the Signs of Dehydration

This is very important, this is something I did not pay close attention to these signs last summer and I was mildly dehydrated while working my summer camp last June. Note: Nose bleeds are a big sign.

  1. Moisturize

I can not stress this enough. The sun can have damaging effects on your skin, big time. (See #2) making sure your skin is moisturized is important, especially for your face, having a good moisturizer with some SPF in it is good just make sure it’s light. For the rest of your body a good absorbing lotion is great.

  1. Chapstick

I think this in itself is self-explanatory. You don’t want to be out here living it up during summer sixteen with chapped lips.

  1. A Cooler 

The pool and day party hopping can be real, keep those refreshments on ice! Personally, I want a Yeti cooler but those are expensive.

  1. Chargers/Portable Charger

With all the battery life that is going to be killed over the summer, you don’t want to miss any of the action and fun going on with your crew. Don’t be the one whose phone isn’t charged up enough for snapchat. Take it from someone whose phone stays dying at the wrong time.

  1. Enjoy the Moment

Sometimes we get so caught up in documenting everything for social media that we miss out on the conversation and camaraderie with friends. I can assure your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds can wait and your friends will thank you.

  1. Be Careful with What You Eat

Trust me, summertime can mess up your stomach. Being out in the heat for extended periods of time can easily sour some food items on your stomach. This is especially true with mayonnaise.

This is just some things I find the most important with having a fun summer season. If the sun is out, grab some friends, grab some drinks and enjoy the times.

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