Cuffing Season Is Here

Oh, October how you are here and of course this means cuffing season is here! The dreaded cuffing season. The time of year where everyone is searching for someone just to snuggle up with during the fall and winter. The time of year where men/women whom you haven’t heard from all summer begin to pop up and hit you with the infamous line “hey stranger”. The same line that leads to “Netflix and chill”. The same line that leads people to believe the whole summer, I didn’t hear from you was by mistake, because you popped up right on time for “cuffing season”.

The time of the year where people come around because the holidays are coming into play and they would like a gift or a Thanksgiving invite. I have been seeing a lot of post related to significant others or even the cuddle buddy application, which is floating all around. Let me tell you something DON’T FALL FOR IT! I REPEAT DO NOT FALL FOR IT! Do not let people who waited until the temperature dropped come back into your life. Do not let these toxic people who are clearly coming back into your life for there own personal gain back into your space. Granted most will fall for it anyway, I have fallen for it too, but that doesn’t mean keep falling for it though. Lets be real cuffing season is all year long if you want to be honest! People just pick and choose who they want to cuff in public and behind closed doors (side eye).

I know at the beginning of the post your like but you said “cuffing season” just started in October. Yes, I did say that, but there is a but to the term. Cuffing period is a fraudulent term for a make believe relationship. The make believe relationship where people who are in so-called relationships are just in them just to say they have someone. People are getting mistreated, used, abused etc. just so they can say they have someone. People are settling for less and talking themselves down just so they can say they have a significant other. I’ve been there done that and it gets old, eventually you have to ask yourself aren’t I worth more than the treatment I am receiving. When do you tell yourself I am worth more than this and I deserve better. I understand people have past hurts and pain but when you date or court someone you’re not dating the old them you are dating the current them. You are not dating them for what has happened to them, but who they are now at this moment. Ladies and Gentlemen don’t fall into the trap that as long as I have someone I am okay. Having someone just to say I am “cuffed” or I am “cuffing” is not the same as having a relationship a real one at least. Your just putting on a show for IG, Facebook, Tumbler, and every other social network that lets you post.

Yes, I am single. No, this is not a rant. No, I am not angry at someone. Yes, I have been in each situation it is what it is. Yes, my feelings have been hurt its life.
I just understand going into the future to see the good in everyone and everything. I understand that people are not their situations and people are not what has happened to them. Which gives everyone an equal shot in my book. Yes, I mean everyone literally (laughing).


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