The Golden Nugget: I have 99 Problems But My Faith Is Not 1

The Golden Nugget: I Have 99 Problems but My Faith Is Not One

            It is so funny when you are on the phone with a friend, how things just come up in casual conversation, that become a great nugget and this nugget has been on my mind all weekend. Let’s admit that we live a life that we face problems every single day and dealing with these problems take us out of the mindset of the good in life. What holds us when problems come along? The answer is our faith in God because he gives us the tools to deal with our problems that we face. Faith is what anchors us and when it is applied in a problem, we can face anything. When you are sick faith tells you that he is a healer, when you are broke faith tells you that he will supply your needs, when you are sad faith tells you that he is your joy, and when you are weak faith tells you that he is your strength. We face a lot in this life and that is the journey that comes with living, but when you don’t lose your faith you can face anything. Knowing that you can come through and move forward in life. You can have 99 problems but make sure that your faith is never one of them. I hope as always that this nugget blesses your life.


